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Friday, September 02, 2005

On the Way to a Game of Foursquare

Matt: "I'm really glad you got a new ball; the old one was lopsided."
Kevin: "What are you talking about? The other ball was fine."
Matt: "It was lopsided."
Kevin: "Matt, balls can't be lopsided. They're full of air, and there's no such thing as lopsided air."
Matt: "The ball can still be lopsided if the outside of it caves in."
Kevin: "No it can't! If the skin caves in, the ball will simply shrink. A ball can get bigger or smaller, but the air is evenly distributed and so it can never get lopsided."

[argument continues in this vein until Matt gets tired of arguing and says:]
Matt: "The fact is, I've seen lopsided balls and I played with them!"

Matt initially responded to our uproarious laughter by kicking Kevin repeatedly in the shins. When he realized that this course of action wasn't stopping us from giggling like hyperactive schoolgirls, Matt stalked off to his room and locked the door behind him. We never did play foursquare.

.: posted by Boris 11:31 PM

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