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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Java Can Die

There was only one point in my life when I hated math. That was in calc 3, when we got to triple integrals. Regular integrals back in calc 1 were great; double integrals in calc 3 I could handle; but it's that third integral that got me. I wanted to burn math.

Right now I'm having a similar experience with programming. My dad's random friend somewhere asked me to write a simple program, the one catch being that the program has to be in Java. I could write the program in .2 seconds in C++, but in Java I can't even correctly manage the part where you ask the user for the name of the file and the user types it in and hits enter and you store the name in a variable. I tried everything: reading the textbook, ripping code from online tutorials, bathing my cat in cow organs, but nothing works. And now I want to burn computer science.

Please, may I never have an experience that makes me want to burn writing.

.: posted by Boris 12:54 AM

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