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Monday, May 16, 2005


I have decided not to finish the Israel story, because it's not all that exciting, and because almost a year has passed since the actual trip and I've forgotten nearly everything. I now possess great admiration for people who go places and then write about it, because I can never seem to get it done. As far as this blog goes: NO MORE WRITING ABOUT VACATIONS!

Instead I offer some quotes from the professors I had this semester.

Systems Programming:

-- "What's the format of the test?"
"Well, we're gonna have some problems."

-- "We assume if it works on the test data, it works on everything."


-- "In the middle of an orgasm, nobody's talking in iambic pentameter."
-- "Today, you can all go to hell."
-- "I've gotta stop giggling. It's the drugs."


-- "By the way, the use of global variables is highly encouraged to ease programming."
[Sorry, there were more, but I accidentally threw away my AI notes :(]


-- "Now, potentially I would have had more fun doing my homework than watching Queen Latifah do anything."
-- "I ... AM the pretzel king."
-- "This is like, you never thought you'd need it, but a twelve-foot ruler would be really handy right about now."
-- "There's nothing I like more than staying up three nights in a row and then going on a long, boring drive through the country."
-- "Nobody steals '88 [Chevy] Novas. Because of their superior anti-theft mechanisms, obviously."

English Lit:

-- "I've done three co-ghost-written stories about very interesting Tibetans."
-- "It was the most explicit sexual description I have ever read. And I have read a lot of them."
-- "Who doesn't love necrophilia?"
-- "In fact, you may be bullshitting me, but it's okay."
-- "Can you imagine being in such a state of sexual arousal that a well-turned table leg would turn you on?"

And the best one of them all:

"If you got a great Dane, would you name him Hamlet?"

.: posted by Boris 9:29 PM

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