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Tacky Rude and Vulgar
Thursday, May 19, 2005
[Do you ever look through your "blog" folder and find weird things you don't ever remember having written? And then post them in your blog anyway, even though they were written a year ago and no longer bear any relevance? Me too.]
The Toilet Paper
Here at Case, there is a “publication” called The Toilet Paper. Basically, the Toilet Paper is a page-long, humorous, fake-newspaper thing that a handful of kids print out periodically and then tape to the inside of toilet stalls.
Last night I was alone in the bathroom, getting ready to brush my teeth. Well, not quite alone — the door to one of the stalls was closed, with somebody (I assumed) inside. You can fill in the rest. I was squeezing toothpaste onto my brush when the stall door opened and Kevin emerged, saying, “That was crappy.”
“What?” I asked, struck by the irony of somebody using the adjective “crappy” after exiting a toilet.
“Back there,” Kevin replied. I looked. He was pointing to the stall from which he had just arrived. Now I got scared. My eyebrows involuntarily shot up in alarm as I desperately tried to figure out what on Earth Kevin, who had but seconds ago finished using a toilet, could possibly have experienced in recent memory that might be described as “crappy,” other than an unpleasant bowel movement. Was he really going to tell me about it? I wanted to run, but the grip of shock and a toothbrush in my mouth held me firmly in place.
“That…Toilet Paper…thingy. It sucked,” Kevin replied. Relieved that Kevin was not going to tell me about his defecation disasters, I made some comment about how it’s hard to be consistently funny, which Kevin didn’t understand at all because I had toothpaste in my mouth. So I repeated myself, except I don’t think Kevin understood it the second time, either, and then he turned on the noisy hand dryer to discourage me from further speech. Then he left.
.: posted by Boris 6:48 PM