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Sunday, January 02, 2005

Online Wisdom: Part the Sixth

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so I figured I’d better repeat the stuff I know I probably said in previous introductions. I keep a text file on my desktop into which I paste stupid things people say to me online. When the file gets big, I dump it into a blog entry and add some lame comments. For your convenience, I edit out most of the typos and irrelevant bits; however, I promise not to do anything obnoxious. For instance, I would never replace

fly197: i am everyone in my family's bitch


fly197: I am a heinous bitch

even though the change would make the statement considerably more accurate. With that: enjoy!


slila22: survival of the grossest
slila22: ugly fish have survived because they're ugly enough to blend into rocks
ChessMen15: I know, but it doesn't seem fair
ChessMen15: I'd like for the prettiest things to survive
slila22: bor, we'd both be dead.

fly197: I am everyone in my family's bitch

yb25: I think you are too cynical
yb25: it’s probably bad for your health

(Meet Jim, my charming and social suitemate)
jameshengenius: again, I cant really talk. I just got back from the bookstore with a text on Babylonian mythology.

(Here is how everyone wished me a happy birthday)
cBearFunk: lets go with jeffs idea for a euchre club this week at your house
fronomo530: well, looks like we're having a birthday Euchre Club at your house this week, woo!
jameshengenius: Eh, happy birthday?
ragingraptorm2: happy birthday
rmartyshaw: happy bday
S10penguin: really??
S10penguin: happy birthday!
slila22: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear boris, happy birthday to you. happy 19th!
ThanatosK: Happy Birthday Boris!!!
Thumper 00056: you're old
Thumper 00056: no wait, that's me
yb25: Happy Birthday Boris!
(No two people’s wishes were the same! Yana’s and Billy’s differed by a mere two exclamation marks, though.)

slila22: I don't think pissing people off is hilarious
slila22: I think you having a sex drive is hilarious

fly197: I haven't been in Linux these past few days
fly197: finally returned to it
fly197: (we missed each other)
(Marina’s unhealthy obsession with her computer makes me feel much better about mine)

(Wish I knew the context…)
fronomo530: oh well, hey, you wanna go out and have gay sex?

slila22: anyway bor.
slila22: shut the fuck up!
ChessMen15: ah, I was waiting for that
slila22: why???!?!!!
slila22: why didn't you just do it!
slila22: goddamnit!

fly197: I suck at life
(Truest thing Marina ever said.)

ChessMen15: crap, however, is bad
fly197: it is not!
fly197: it is wonderful

(Life advice from Lila)
slila22 (1:18:12 PM): don't have kids
slila22 (1:18:13 PM): ever

(Lila telling me what my wife will be like)
slila22 (1:21:47 PM): no, she'd have to be crazy to marry you, not stupid. She'd be stupid to bear your children

ChessMen15: it doesn't quite work
slila22: that's upsetting
ChessMen15: well, unless you physically beat me
slila22: I could do that
ChessMen15: I would ask that you didn't
slila22: damnit
ChessMen15: a little violent, are we?
slila22: kidding
ChessMen15: dang
ChessMen15: I keep missing it when you joke
slila22: hm, good bor
ChessMen15: I blame it on the fact that sarcasm doesn't carry well over IM
slila22: I blame it on your idiocy

ChessMen15: you enjoy hurting my feelings
fly197: true.

(This will never, ever happen again)
fly197: yeah, I see
fly197: you're right

jameshengenius: or we could go canoeing!
jameshengenius: which I've have a strange hankering for recently
jameshengenius: I always liked using my oars to dump nearby canoes into the water and watching the screaming passengers be swept downstream.
(So I guess that explains the hankering)

fly197: you make Lila sound like she only ever says hateful things to you.
(Which is different from the truth how?)

ChessMen15: not a brilliant comment
fly197: exactly
fly197: well, its you
fly197: is brilliance possible, never mind expected?

slila22: who?
slila22: me and Marina?
ChessMen15: yeah
slila22: since when do we count as people?

(Excellent Rebuttal Tactics 101, by Professor Schwartz)
slila22: whateverever loserface

TheaVoluptas: brb
ChessMen15: k
TheaVoluptas: back
ChessMen15: welcome back, mate
TheaVoluptas: I'm not your mate, and if I am I must be a very unsuccessful one since we don't have any children.
(Way to kill my Australian mood, loserface)

ChessMen15: besides, Marina's not SO terrible
slila22: m...
slila22: debatable
(Truest thing Lila ever said.)

TheaVoluptas: Yo, Boristina, what up?
TheaVoluptas: :-)
TheaVoluptas: lol, forgive me
TheaVoluptas: Couldn't resist
TheaVoluptas: I swear
(I was there. I was just coldly, coldly ignoring her.)

(Valuable clarifications)
BadHair17: anyways, I'm off to pee and then eat
BadHair17: but not eat my pee

IHateAIM410: hi this is kate,, daves sister!
IHateAIM410: dave said i could leave you a message
IHateAIM410: i'm cooler than he is
IHateAIM410: bye
(Your syntax sure is a lot worse, though)

Thumper 00056: 2+2=4 unless it doesn't

fly197: you have threesomes with me and Lila all the time
fly197: its never been that exciting

(Julie is bipolar)
snobuny4ever: HAHA you started school already!!!
snobuny4ever: MUAHAHA
snobuny4ever: I’m sad I missed you.

TheaVoluptas: I'm bored.
TheaVoluptas: Come and play with me.
TheaVoluptas: I'm having an acne breakout like nobody's business. Luckily they can't really be seen yet.
TheaVoluptas: It's funny that acme is so similar to acne
(The things she says when I’m not around…)

Auto response from BadHair17: Fuck you all!! Oh wait... I mean my computer... fuck my computer... ah what the hell, fuck y'all too

ChessMen15: so, what's on your mind?
TheaVoluptas: Boys boys boys
TheaVoluptas: What else? :-)

(Kids, this is what you SHOULDN’T be doing in college)
Auto response from bthop23: lots of hw, work, and responsibilities........nothing a few minutes with my good friend Jack Daniels won't cure

ChessMen15: how are things with you?
fly197: alright
fly197: programming
fly197: Friday night activity of Marina

Mandy: Good. And you should mention, "Unless truly forced to, I will never write about another Mandy that is not my dear wonderful friend Mandy Kessler. Because next to her, all other Mandys pale."
Mandy: Something along those lines. :-D
ChessMen15: um...
ChessMen15: a wee bit harsh, wouldn't you say?
Mandy: Oh no, I mean, certainly it doesn't praise me as much as I should be praised, but it doesn't really make me sound bad or anything. :-P
Mandy: O:-)
(Ego problem?)

yb25: but yeah I think I liked it more when your away message was up because then I did not AIM you, and waste away my life online
(Talking to me a is a waste of life? Thanks.)

(stolen from Marina’s away message)
Lila: it'll all work out. I know. I just don't have enough lube yet.
Lila: I'll purchase some tomorrow.

Mandy: Ahhh!!! A booger just fell out of my nose!!!!!!!!!

Mandy: My eye is twitching

(stolen from Marina’s away message; only CS majors will understand the hilarity)
(22:26:13) joe: well
(22:26:15) joe: it does terminate
(22:26:20) joe: but only after the stack overflows

Auto response from Lila: fuck it dude, let's go bowling.

(You are about to witness the proudest moment of Ben’s life)
ChessMen15: and seeing Dodgeball again was reasonably entertaining, although the best part of that movie by far is the fact that Kevin was "inspired" to play foursquare
Ben H: ha
ChessMen15: after watching it, he made Jim get his parents to by a playground ball
ChessMen15: and we actually went outside and played foursquare a couple of times
ChessMen15: it was fun, although you have to let your dignity fall a few notches
Ben H: ok holdon
ChessMen15: okay
Ben H: I have to savor this moment because it will never happen again.................
Ben H: “buy”...............not “by”..........in context from the sentence above

Dan: giant red sore on your lip?
Dan: ew...
Dan: herpes!
Dan: ;-)

(Politically-minded people’s away messages scare me)
Auto response from Ben H: I Hate Ralph Nadar and I want to kill him just to watch him die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fly197: * Siren changes topic to 'Is it considered oral sex if my pc goes down on me???'

S10penguin: do you have a car up there?
ChessMen15: alas, no
ChessMen15: too lazy to figure out how to get a permit
ChessMen15: also, I didn't want all my suitemates constantly bugging me for rides -- none of them have a car
S10penguin: ah okay, lol, but that might be fun, you guys could go out on the town on the weekends (not that you guys don't do that already)
(Ouch. The bitter, scathing sarcasm has gone highly unappreciated.)

TheaVoluptas: brb, in desperate need of deodorant

ChessMen15: you stare at the keyboard when you type, though, don't you?
ChessMen15: that's gotta be annoying
TheaVoluptas: lol, I don't always need to.
TheaVoluptas: There, I didn't look at that.
TheaVoluptas: Or htat.
TheaVoluptas: :-P
TheaVoluptas: Or that.
TheaVoluptas: Here, I wont look at the keyboard for the rest of the time.
ChessMen15: ouch! I am smacked down
TheaVoluptas: No lookey.
TheaVoluptas: No lookey.
ChessMen15: amazing
ChessMen15: truly, I am awed
TheaVoluptas: Oh be friggin quiet. :-P

fly197: algorithm, n.: Trendy dance for hip programmers.
(Goodness, this entry seems to be riddled with dumb CS jokes.)

TheaVoluptas: How many people do you think just sit around their room naked?
(Well, one for sure…)

(From Mandy’s profile)
"Now Mandy, do I need to rewind this DVD before I can play it again?" -Mrs. Yoder
"Okay, time to take notes."
"But there's a paperclip on my desk!!"-Gabrielle

bthop23: in place of future conversations on the merits or either political party let us just watch the news every night and the legislation that passes in both houses of Congress and let us just sit back and watch as our once great and promising nation goes from quintessential, successful democracy to Neo-Theocracy in which religious law and denominational prejudices rule
bthop23: In short, our country is going to shit and we're all going to die
(Damn pessimistic liberals)

Auto response from slila22: shower time. It's like hammer time, but without pants.

Auto response from AdamHorton1: OMFG... that was too close. I had a freaking heart attack...
They almost voted Ami off Survivor tonight... she got 4 votes!!! They better not scare me like that again.
Homework. Leave me a message.
(Oh, how Adam has fallen since college began)

Auto response from TheaVoluptas: Man, wearing only one sock feels weird. And when wearing only one sock feels weird, we all know that means that it's time for bed.
(Logic has never been Mandy’s strong suit)

fly197 (3:38:05 PM): write me a fucking email
fly197 (3:38:07 PM): you worthless piece of shit
(Can you believe I wrote that wench a letter after this shameless display of rude language?)

Auto response from slila22: my dad went to a Bob Dylan concert last night. I made an excel chart of Latin vocab. My dad's cooler than I am.
(So true.)

Auto response from TheaVoluptas: Sitting on chap stick all day kind of makes your butt hurt.

ChessMen15: so how's life?
slila22: tough
slila22: I should get a helmet

Auto response from ChessMen15: Being a worthless slab of rotting flesh.
fly197: oooh worthless rotting flesh.
fly197: sexy

(Why girls are evil, terrible people)
fly197: I need to get on that! I haven't yet explored all the excellent uses of boyfriend that there are

Energetic56: kangaroos have pockets

(It’s good to know your friends are always there when you need them most)
ChessMen15: Mandy, I have a question for you
TheaVoluptas signed off at 12:22:19 AM.

ChessMen15: how long do I have to think about it?
fly197: 0 days

fly197: its ok, girls are worthless
ChessMen15: girls are worthless...guys are worthless...what's that leave?
ChessMen15: sheep?
fly197: jill.
ChessMen15: jill...?
fly197: look at your right hand, palm down

ChessMen15: bye Marina
fly197: f u!
(Evidently she did not enjoy the conversation quite as much as I did)

Auto response from slila22: "it's called the genetic lottery, and you lost." ~my dad
(It’s okay, Lila. I think we all lost.)

Auto response from slila22: WASTE OF CARBON.
ChessMen15: that's an angry-sounding away message there
slila22: only slightly and only because I promised myself I wouldn't go on line for the next week about oh, 8 hours ago

Thumper 00056: why do you hate yourself for being on facebook? is it because everybody who's on there is obsessed with showing off how many pretend friends they have? is it because they're all shallow and annoying? is it because cats always land on their feet?

ChessMen15: evening, Marina
fly197: shut up

ChessMen15: doesn't it kind of bother you, though?
ChessMen15: that you're driven not by a passion for learning, but by cold greed?
AdamHorton1: yeah
AdamHorton1: it eats me up from inside
AdamHorton1: but oh well

(Classic away message, compliments of Ashley)
Auto response from Energetic56: Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream...
Haha! Fooled you!
I'm a submarine!

ChessMen15: could you attach the story to your next email?
ChessMen15: that way, I can put my name on it and publish it
yb25: sure
(Look before you type!)

yb25: you’re too innocent
ChessMen15: just in that one respect
yb25: oh yeah I forgot how worldly and experienced you are in other areas of life
(THANK YOU for the sarcasm, everyone. You can stop it now.)

BookFishy: My shirt smells like someone else. :-
ChessMen15: you're a bad person
ChessMen15: :-)
BookFishy: lol
BookFishy: Yes, but a horny bad person.

slila22: a sandwich, bowl of cereal, and clementines is healthy
ChessMen15: that is not a serious dinner
slila22: it's just disorganized
ChessMen15: that's like a light brunch
slila22: it's a lot of food. I'm going to kill you. I don't even know what I'm doing for dinner. Just stop being annoying.
slila22: it's my job
ChessMen15: being annoying?
slila22: yes
(I think she was crying. What do you think?)

BookFishy: Anne says you're allowed to lust after her
(Thanks, I think I’ll pass.)

BookFishy: (I just now realized that I'm sitting on a wet towel. What a dolt I am) How are they?
(Probably not very comfortable?)

NerdamI2k: and he's got an entire box full of DnD, WH40k books under his bed
NerdamI2k: I've never felt so out nerded

(With this perceptive insight, Yana joins Lila in the ranks of Online Wisdom gurus)
yb25: I'm not extravagant with money but I would rather have one nice thing than like 100 crappy things
yb25: my mother calls it smart
yb25: I don't know if it so
yb25: because I think “smart” would be like one crappy thing

yb25: ok I see what you’re saying
yb25: but I don't care
(I seem to get this sort of thing a lot)

yb25: I am starting to think about why I suffer
yb25: but I don't really suffer
yb25: I just need to get back to the ghetto to get my act together
(You must understand the irony of this coming from a chemical engineering major at Johns Hopkins)

And now, to finish off this bi-annual installment, we end with a couple quintessential quotes quite atrociously ripped out of context:

Mandy: I got it off, don't worry. Mmm, it was yummy.

ChessMen15: if I do it now, it'll be quite short
Mandy: Oh well, I want it now!


Thanks for reading, and see you in a couple of months!

.: posted by Boris 6:45 PM

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