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Sunday, February 08, 2004


If you haven’t read Insight #3—that’s the entry right below this one—then do so now. Otherwise, what’s coming up isn’t going to make a whole lot of sense.

When I told Jim about my blog last semester, he made fun of me for a little while because I never updated it. So a day after I posted the last entry, I told Jim about the new update and forced him to go read it. Jim is Kevin’s roommate, so naturally he spilled the beans to Kevin later that day. It turns out that Kevin had indeed noticed the missing boot.

“So did you actually try to wear the boots??” I asked Kevin breathlessly.

“Yeah, when I went to theory this morning. I actually put one of them on and then thought, ‘Hey! The other boot sure would be nice!’”

When I asked Kevin what he thought when he found his boot missing, Jim warned him ominously: “Be careful what you say, Kevin! It can and will be used against you. It will be written down for all posterity.” Which is true.

Kevin had this to say: “My first thought was that Shardule had taken it.” This makes sense. Some of you may remember Shardule as “The Vegetarian” from an earlier entry. Our vegetarian friend, who lives next door to Kevin, likes to play pranks on him. Most of them involve downloading porn and setting it as the wallpaper on Kevin’s desktop. “My second thought was that Boris had taken it,” Kevin continued, “because of that backpack incident.” Here Kevin was referring to the time when I walked into his room—which he and Jim had left unlocked with the door wide open and the light on—and stole his backpack. I left a note on his dry-erase board saying, “Kevin, I took your backpack. If you want it back, come to my room.” I didn’t sign this note, however, just to make things interesting. After that, Kevin sure did learn his lesson—he still leaves his room unlocked, but at least he closes the door now when he leaves.

When all was said and done, Kevin had one final thought to offer:

“Um…so how about giving me my boot back?”

.: posted by Boris 5:55 PM

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