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PS-Ashley Rocks!

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Go to My Other Blog!

My new blog is here. I update it every day, so if the thing you disliked most about this blog was the infrequency of updates, you will be pleased. Note that the new blog is quite different, however...

This blog was great fun for me when I first started because I wrote it for myself. Then people told me I was funny, and I started writing to be funny rather than to have fun. Once I fell into that trap, the blog spluttered and stopped for another few years but was never the same. Writing for yourself is fun, and so you do it; writing for other people is not, and so you don't. That's why updating became a chore, and why I did it so rarely, and why I had to MAKE myself do it when I did.

Entries in the new blog are generally very short: the longest ones are just a few paragraphs. In this first blog, I would be embarrassed to post an entry shorter than two pages; now I don't care if an entry is one sentence (though I do make sure it's a good sentence).

Some people think my new blog is terrible, and miss the old one. If you discover that the new blog isn't for you, I'm sorry. It's for me.

.: posted by Boris 2:41 AM